Sunday, July 13, 2008

The most unhappy country in the world

I keep meaning to write that I take back my earlier support of Tsvangirai's decision to pull out of the Zimbabwean race for president. The violence continued and Zimbabwe is no closer to having Mugabe out of office.

There was a big article in the paper in Malawi about how Zimbabwe is the most unhappy country in the world. There are actually lots of articles and opinion pieces in the papers about Zimbabwe every day.

I was talking with some co-workers when everything was going down in Zimbabwe, and they told me that Mugabe had thought of conceding when Tsvangirai won the original election, but his advisors resisted because they would all be thrown in jail. I guess that's what happens in Africa: when leaders who have abused their power step down from office, they are arrested for the crimes they committed.

So...they asked me if Bush would be arrested when he stepped down! I was surprised by the question, not because there isn't reason for it, but just because it's not what we do in America, and I tried to explain that as best I could. What I also found telling is that a majority of people around the world know about the offenses of the Bush administration. It is taken as fact these days that we invaded Iraq under false pretenses. They also knew a lot about the shortfallings of the govt. in and around 9/11, things that have been debated with high tension in the U.S., although that discussion seems to have lost what little wind it did have.

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